Saturday, December 8, 2007

Real Pretty, Isn't It?

Well? Isn't it?


Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Hello Tomfarr! I did a double take when I saw your profile name as I had a teacher in high school named Tom Farr. It was a strange few moments for me to realize that a past teacher might be reading my blog!

Thanks for stopping in for a visit and for taking the time to comment.

tomfarr said...

I am trying to figure out how to add you to my follow list, on Blogger.
(as you can tell, I am new to blogging... ;)

Tom Farr... my oldest brother, who passed in '93 - cancer most likely acquired in Viet Nam...(grrr...)

When I needed a username for the first time online, it came naturally to me.

This is Tom:

No, I did not put together a gallery in memory of my divorce! lol! Notice the title - XLCR Wedding - some of my online motorcycle buddies are also fans of that particular Harley-Davidson model...

Thanks for writing! Love the record player! :D